
Showing posts from 2012

A Multitude of Putty Sessions

Many hands may light work, doesn't really work with in IT. I usually look for consistency and reproducible results. So let change this for one hand and many windows make light work! Come across a nice tool PuttyCS for Windows people which did just the job. In the Solaris world I would use Sun's Cluster Console on CDE, but other seem to favour Cluster SSH or PSSH . I would be amiss to say, a better answer to issues above is to automate and use confguration management tools such as Chef and Puppet .

Solaris 11 Locale en_GB.UTF-8 / en_GB.ISO8859-1 / en_GB.ISO8859-15

When you install Solaris 11/11 from standard text installer cdrom, the en_GB-UTF-8 locales are not installed, even if you select British locales on install. EDIT 4th FEB 2018 - Still valid for Solaris 11.4 Beta.  To make sure packages are have the correct localisation, IPS uses facet as a localisation personality. $ pkg facet FACETS VALUE facet.locale.pt_BR True facet.locale.es_ES True facet.locale.en_US True facet.locale.zh_TW True facet.locale.zh_CN True facet.locale.de_DE True facet.locale.fr_FR True facet.locale.it_IT True facet.locale.ko_* True facet.locale.ja_* True True True facet.locale.zh True facet.locale.ko True True True True facet.locale.en True facet.locale.ja True facet.locale.* False As you can see no en_GB is described and " facet.locale.* False " is a deny everything else rule. So let change this. I'm assuming you have a Solaris 11 repository already configured

My Raspberry Pi

How can you be a geek without a Raspberry Pi ? You can't! Raided my daughter Lego box and now my Raspberry Pi has got a case. Debian installed and updated. Planning to put my mail project on it. Python Django Rabbit MQ Twisted 12 lighttpd Next project I'm planning to integrate  Nagios with physical alarms/lights.